Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Hôtel-Dieu 1 place du Parvis Notre Dame - 75004 - Paris
Affiliation(s): Doctoral Network of Public Health
I am a licensed psychologist (University of Athens, 2013) with postgraduate studies in Health Promotion (University of Athens, 2015) and Public Health (specialization: Comparative Effectiveness Research, Université Paris Descartes, 2017). My clinical experience as an assistant health psychologist (private practice, 2013-2014) focused on working with patients with chronic illnesses on issues of behavior change (nutrition, adherence to medication) and disease self-management (self-monitoring and management of symptoms and triggers). As a researcher (Ingenieur d'études, 2017-2018), I worked at the METHODS lab (CRESS UMR 1153), primarily on systematic and methodological reviews.
The main focus of my research is the development and assessment of interventions for health behavior change, primarily delivered using digital technologies. I am also interested in the way patients with chronic illnesses perceive these interventions and incorporate them into their life.