Campus Saint-Antoine, 27 rue chaligny - 75011 - Paris
Affiliation(s): Doctoral Network of Public Health
2015-2018 PhD student in Epidemiology on “Transport-related exposure noise and cardiovascular health: analyses of sensor-based tracking data”
University of Pierre and Marie Curie2014-2015 2nd year of Master in Public Health Research – Major in Epidemiology, with honors
University of Paris-Sud2012-2013 1st year of Master in Health Engineering – Major in Clinical Research, with honors
University of Lille 22009-2012 Bachelor’s degree in Science Technology and Health – Major in Public Health, with merits
University of Lille 2
My research is in environmental epidemiology and focuses on noise exposure and its effects on the autonomic nervous system (through the measurement of heart rate variability) in real life contexts. Measurements were continuous and sensor-based as they were collected from the participants of the Record study who wore a set of sensors for a week during their everyday life activities. These sensors included an ECG (heart rate variability), an accelerometer (physical activity), a dosimeter (sound pressure) and a GPS with a mobility survey at the end of the week of observation. My work covered the whole data processing procedure spanning from the raw files analysis and processing to the final statistical analyses and interpretation of results.
Through my thesis I was able to develop skills in sensor and big data analysis, signal processing, multilevel analysis and programming (R) and to deepen my knowledge of both noise and heart rate variability as a proxy for the state of the autonomic nervous system.
During my thesis I carried out a teaching mission of 3 years in the language department of Sorbonne Université.