Discipline(s): Epidemiology
Current position: PhD Student
Diploma(s): MD in internal medicine and infectious diseases
PhD in Epidemiology (nov 2019-2022), after a medical residency in internal medicine and infectious diseases, and a MSc in "Interdisciplinary Approaches in Life Sciences" in the Center for Research and Interdisciplinarity, Paris.
Co-directed PhD : "Prior exposure to antibiotics and occurrence of a bacteremia to a resistant bacteria in France and South Korea"
PhD directors : Laurence Watier (France), Pr Seok Hoon Jeong (Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea)
Actually launching "Dawaa", a table game to teach good antibiotic use to health students and residents. During my residency, infectious diseases courses of preparation to the national exam to 5th year med students. Recently, pedagogic assistant to the Chair of Innovation Management and Value in Health in Paris Descartes.