EHESP, avenue du professeur Léon Bernard - 35043 - RENNES
Discipline(s): exposure science, risk assessment
Current position: Professor in exposure and health risk assessment
Diploma(s): PhD, HDR
Affiliation(s): Département Méthodes quantitatives en santé publique (METIS), UMR 1085 IRSET
Qualifications: physical science engineer, health engineering engineer, Master's in research methods in environment and health, doctorate in public health, Accreditation to Direct Research.
Professional experience: health engineer in the departmental management of social and sanitary affairs (now called regional health agency) from 1993 to 1996, then in the Regional Intervention Unit at the Public Health Surveillance Institute until 2002, Professor at the EHESP since 2002.
Exposure assessment: evaluation of population exposure to chemical substances and the associated risks, mainly for children.
The objectives are to identify routes and sources of exposure which most contribute to total exposure and risk, in a prevention perspective.
Current programmes (see website IRSET) concern:
- exposure of young children to flame retardants and conseuences on their development (ANR Grant)
- exposure to semi-volatile organic compounds (stain remover or fire-retardant or plastification treatments, etc.) in homes
Pubmed Publications : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=%22Glorennec%20P%22[Author]
Profile Google Scholar : http://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=T3YZD3gAAAAJ&hl=fr
Member of the Anses Specialized "Air" Expert Committee , the "Lead poisoning" working group in the High Committee of Public Health, scientific council to the Observatory of Internal Air Quality.
EHESP representative at the Chemical Risk Assessment Network of the World Health Organization.
Methodology of risk assessment, mainly in training courses for health engineering engineers, Master's in Public Health and Environmental Risks, sanitary studied engineers, Master's in Public Health.
EHESP coordinator of Master of Public Health organized with Universities of Rennes.