EHESP avenue du Professeur Léon Bernard Bâtiment Germaine Tillion, bureau 309 (3ème étage) - 35 042 - Rennes
Tel: +33 (0) 2 99 02 28 55 (work)
E-mail: patricia.loncle@ehesp.fr (work)
Discipline(s): sociology and political science
Current position: senior lecturer and researcher, chair in youth field
Diploma(s): PhD and qualification as a professor
Affiliation(s): Department of Human and Social Sciences, UMR 6051 ARENES
I obtained my PhD in political science in 1998 and my authorisation to supervise research in 2009
I work on public policies concerning youth (in the fields of health, social affairs, education and youth work) that are implemented at different levels (from local to European). In addition, I develop the analysis of territories from the point of view of local systems of actors.
I am responsible for the Research Chair on Youth, president of the Francas Scientific Committee (a youth work movement), member of the Scientific committee of the National association of adolescents care centre, responsible for the Francas collection by L'harmattan (Publisher).
I am responsible for the Masters 2 "Youth, policies and care" jointly managed by the French school of public health, the Universities of Rennes 1 and 2 and of Western Brittany.