EHESP -Avenue du Professeur Léon Bernard - 35043 - Rennes
Tel: +33 (0) 2 99 02 25 31 (work)
Discipline(s): Exposure assessment
Current position: Professor at the EHESP and Assistant director DSET&GS
Affiliation(s): Department of environmental and occupational health
Professional experience :
Since 2009 : Lecturer researcher – Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique (EHESP-France).
1991-2009 : Study and research engineer – Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel et des Risques (INERIS, France).
1989-1991 : Study engineer – Centre d’Etudes et Recherche de Charbonnages de France (CERCHAR).
Studies :
2014 : PhD
1988-1989 : Specialised Advances Studies Diploma (DESS) in Microanalyses Applied to Biological and Geological sciences – University of Paris XII Val de Marne – Créteil.
1987-1988 : Master's in oceanography, ocean biochemistry and biology – University of West Brittany.
Olivier Blanchard is a lecturer-researcher in the Department of Health-Environment-Work and Health engineering of the EHESP. His research work mainly concerns the evaluation of health risks related to exposure to indoor environmental pollutants. He has more than 25 years experience in the field of exposure assessment and pollutant metrology in ambient air. His research activity is carried out within the IRSET-Inserm Unit 1085.
Furthermore, he coordinates the ASTHM’CHILD project financed by the Ademe within the framework of the National Research Programme in Environment-Health-Work 2011 of the Anses.
The objective of this project is to assess the cumulative exposure of a range of indoor environment pollutants likely to induce chronic respiratory disorders in children. This project is carried out within the Pélagie cohort set up in Brittany and which includes 3500 women. Olivier Blanchard is also greatly involved in the expert assessment work of the Anses and participates in the work of the Specialised expert committees "Evaluation of risks related to air environments" and the Work Group "Category 3 endocrine and reproductive system disruptors".
- Multidisciplinary work, collective expert assessment
- Coordination and management of research projects