Tel: +33 (0) 6 24 72 27 77
E-mail: morgane.brignon@univ-lorraine.fr (work) / morganebrignon@yahoo.fr (personal)
Discipline(s): Public health - Health promotion
Current position: PhD student
Diploma(s): Diplôme d'état [State Diploma] in nursing (2012) ; Master's in Intervention in Health Promotion (2014)
Affiliation(s): Doctoral Network of Public Health
After receiving a State Diploma in Nursing in 2012, I continued my studies with a Master's 1 in Intervention in Health Promotion followed by a Master's 2 in the same field specialising in research. As part of the Master's 2, I completed a research placement at the Laboatoire APEMAC 4360.
I am currently in the first year of my PhD.