Marie-Renée GUEVEL
Avenue du Professeur Léon Bernard CS74312 - 35043 - RENNES
Tel: +33 (0) 2 99 02 28 33 (work)
Discipline(s): Education / Health promotion
Current position: Lecturer
Diploma(s): PhD
Affiliation(s): Collectif de recherche sur le handicap, l’autonomie, société inclusive (CoRHASI), Department of Human and Social Sciences, UMR 6051 ARENES
After an engineering degree in agrifoodbusiness with a specialization in Applied Statistics (Agrocampus Rennes-INSFA) and a master's degree in school health education, I completed a PhD in education entitled "factors influencing the implementation of a health promotion approach in French primary schools " supervised by Dr. Jeanine Pommier (EHESP) and Prof. Didier Jourdan (University Blaise Pascal, IUFM Auvergne, Laboratoire ACTé-EA4281).
At the same time, I had worked in different structures in the field of public health and health promotion: ANSES (ex-AFSSA, French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety ), the UNIRèS Network (formerly Teacher training institutes’ network for health education), the University Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand 2 and the International Union for Health Promotion and Health Education (IUHPE).
I have been working at the EHESP as a research fellow, from January 2013 to August 2015. I was in charge of a programme for research and sharing best practice focusing on the employment of people with disabilities in the public sector, from national, European and intrenational perspectives.
Since September 2015, I am a Lecturer working on health promotion issues.
Over the last few years, I have developed three main research areas:
- the evaluation of health promotion projects in schools or in so-called "vulnerable" health areas (Guével et al, 2015 - Project Implementation and evaluation of a training and support system for the development of health promotion actions in primary schools (2008-2011) - Funding: INPES; Denoual et al, 2019 - Les Semeurs de santé project (2017 - 2022) - Funding: AAP DGS Autonomie en santé);
- the analysis of employment disabilities policies with the coordination of a French and European interdisciplinary research collective (Guével et al, 2018; Blanc et al, 2018 - Programme de recherche et d'échanges de pratiques Emploi des personnes handicapées dans la fonction publique (2012-2016 then 2017-2020) - Funding: FIPHFP);
- the links between inequalities and early childhood (Guével et al, 2019 - Projet Politiques territoriales de la petite enfance - implantation des services et prise en compte des inégalités sociales de santé (Poterri) 2018-2020 - Funding: IReSP AAP Général 2017 - Volet Prévention et Conseil départemental d'Ille-et-Vilaine), an area that I have been developing since 2018.
These works have led me to question the methodologies used, in particular mixed methods, in order to better understand the complexity of my research objects (Guével et al, 2016).
My teaching activities are mainly centred around health promotion, including co-responsibility for the Health Promotion and Prevention programme of the Master's degree in Public Health Rennes 1 - Rennes 2 - EHESP.
I am also involved in the Childhood and Youth programme: Policies and care for the Public Health Master's Degree as well as in the statutory training of school physicians and health and social affairs inspectors, and in vocational training through the Certificate in Population Health Promotion - Module 3 Health promotion settings approach.