Marick FEVRE
15 Avenue du Professeur Léon Bernard - 35043 - RENNES
Tel: +33 (0) 2 99 29 66 38 (work)
E-mail: marick.fevre@univ-nantes.fr (work) / marick.fevre@eleve.ehesp.fr (personal)
Affiliation(s): Doctoral Network of Public Health
Marick FEVRE
15 Avenue du Professeur Léon Bernard - 35043 - RENNES
Tel: +33 (0) 2 99 29 66 38 (work)
E-mail: marick.fevre@univ-nantes.fr (work) / marick.fevre@eleve.ehesp.fr (personal)
Affiliation(s): Doctoral Network of Public Health