Luc Renard

Luc Renard


Avenue du Pr Léon Bernard CS 74312 - 35043 - RENNES

Tel: +33 (0) 2 99 02 29 49 (work)

E-mail: (work)

Discipline(s): Resource allocation and managing social and medical-social organisations

Current position: Professor at the EHESP

Diploma(s): Professional IPASS examination - University diploma outside of the expected area (Physics-Chemistry)

Affiliation(s): Institute of Management


Participation in working groups supported by the DGCS [Directorate General of Social Cohesion] on "modernisation du pilotage et à la simplification de la gestion des EHPAD" ["Modernising the running and simplifying the management of nursing homes"]

Participation in working groups supported by the ODAS [Observatory of Decentralized Social Action] on "Déterminants de coût des établissements médico-sociaux" ["Cost determinants of medical-social institutions"]


Themes : funding and budgetary and financial management / control of social and medical-social institutions, management, contracting and performance of social and medical-social organisations, external audits and renewal of ESSMS [Social and Medical-Social Institutions] authorisation.

Public : DH, D3S, IASS/IPASS, Masters, MISP, ICARS