EHESP Avenue du Professeur Léon-Bernard - CS 74312 - 35043 - Rennes cedex
Tel: +33 (0) 2 99 02 27 11 (work)
E-mail: Laurent.Chambaud@ehesp.fr (work)
Current position: Director of EHESP School of Public Health
Diploma(s): Preventive paediatrics certificate, Physician, Masters in Community Health (Montreal, Canada), Public Health Inspector Physician (MISP), Specific training course in field epidemiology (CDC Atlanta 1989), Public health speciality
Since April 2013
Director of EHESP School of Public HealthJune 2012 - March 2013
Advisor to the minister of health and social affairs, in charge of organising and directing public health and safety policy, unit coordinatorMay 2010 - May 2012
Head of public health for Ile de France regional health agency, in charge of prevention, health promotion, and health protection for a region with a population of 12 millionMay 2006 - May 2010
Member of the Social Affairs Inspectorate (IGAS). List of missions performed available on requestJune 2002 - May 2006
Head of the Franche-Comté Regional Department of Health and Social Affairs
Coordination of regional State policy in health and social affairs for a region with a population of 1.2 millionNovember 1998 - May 2002
Director of Mayenne Department of Health and Social Affairs
In charge of directing and coordinating all State health and social policy for Mayenne
département (population: 280,000). Field of action covers the organisation of hospitals, medical
and social institutions, promotion of health and all social actionMarch - November 1998
Coordinator of the French Institute of Health Watch (InVS) project
The goal of the mission was to establish the priorities of this new organisation and suggest a suitable organisational model in line with the 1998 health safety actFebruary 1996 - February 1998
National Expert seconded to the European Commission (DGV/F/1)
Responsible for European policy on communicable diseases. In this respect, in charge of all dossiers relating to communicable diseases (establishing a European monitoring network, relations with the WHO and the USA as part of the Task Force, health issues relating to the “mad cow” crisis, streamlining vaccination policy, etc.)January 1989 - July 1990
Medical Inspector of Public Health, Finistère Department of Health and Social Affairs, plus a part-time teaching post at ENSP1988 (12 months)
Trainee medical inspector at ENSP1980-1987
Part-time maternal and child health physician, Laon (Aisne). Physician in a neonatology unit, Soissons (Aisne). Paediatrics and paediatric nursing course at Chauny Nursing school (Aisne).
October 2010 - mid-2012
Member of the board of the French Institute for Public Health Surveillance (INVS)March 2010 - January 2012
In charge of the secretariat for the French end of the Franco-Quebec Observatory on health and solidarity (OFQSS)2007-2010
Member of the admissions selection committee for the Social Affairs Inspectorate1997-2005
Elected to the executive committee of the French Public Health Society (SFSP). Chairman of the SFSP from 2000 to 20051998-2000
Member of the editorial committee for the High Committee for Public Health review1995-February 1997
Member of the Scientific Council of the French Health Education Committee (CFES)1993-1996
Appointed to the Scientific Council of the ENSP1993-1995
Elected to the executive committee of the Field Epidemiologists’ Association (Epiter)1991-February 1996
Elected representative of the faculty, National School of Public Health1990-2004
Member of Santé Publique magazine editorial committee1990-February 1996
Chairman of Ille-et-Vilaine committee for Health and Social education (CODESS)1985-1987
Member of the Executive Committee of the Medical Association for Latin America and the West Indies (AMALC) - Montreal (Canada). In this setting, joint missions with Médecins du Monde, France1986-1987
Member of the executive committee of the Local Community Services Center (CLSC), St-Jean-sur-Richelieu city council (Quebec, Canada)1984-1988
Member of the Quebec Public Health Association (ASPQ), in charge of developing the international cooperation dossier; member of the management board from March 1986 to December 19871982-1986
Member of the Quebec League of Rights and Liberties, member of the executive committee from 1983 to 1986
Since January 2014
Associate Professor, School of Public Health of the University of Montréal (Québec)July 1990 - February 1996
Full-time lecturer, Rennes National School of Public Health (ENSP)
Main teaching fields:
- Epidemiology and surveillance
- Comparative analysis of health systems
Contribution to a number of university teaching modules and the intensive course at the Applied Epidemiology Institute (IDEA)
September 1993 - February 1996, seconded part time to the National Public Health Network (RNSP) for the assessment of a number of national supervisory networks: Domestic accidents, Pollen, HIV, Intelligence priorities for communicable diseases