Jacques ORVAIN
Affiliation(s): Institute of Management
I am now a tenure professor at EHESP. My research focuses on organizational behaviour in healthcare and medico-social organizations. I am specifically focusing on structuring mechanisms within these organizations. I’m a medical doctor, specialized in epidemiology and also have a PhD in Management Science since 2012.
From 1996 to 2008 I held managerial positions as head of different Statistics and Health Economics departments, and was Vice President of medical services and health economic evaluations in HMR (USA), Director of Evaluation in ANAES (Paris) and Vice Dean for Studies and Research in ENSP (Rennes).
After 15 years of experience in the area of clinical trials, I am now focussing on mixed research which combines comparative methods and qualitative inductive methods in the field of organization behavior.
I carry out my work within the MOS (Management des Organisations de Santé [Healthcare Organisation Management]) team. In recent years I was involved in research on the governance of mother-child centres and I was leading a research project on new forms of coordination (case management in MAIA).
The research theme that currently drives my various projects adresses the opposition between the agents' capacities for initiative and the structuring effect of organizations. I am developping this theme in 2017 within two projects: the organization of emergency services and the response to health crises.
I have actively contributed to many international pharmaceutical developments (responsible for protocols and statistical research reports).
I supervised the scientific activities of the ANAES [National Health Assessment and Accreditation Centre] from 2000 to 2004 : developing professional guidelines, health technology assessments, assessing medical listing procedures and implementing assessment strategies for professional practices.
I was a member of the ANAP's Scientific Council (Agence Nationale d'Appui à la performance des Établissements de santé et médico-sociaux [National Agency for the Promotion of Performance of Health and Medical-Social Institutions) from 2009 to 2013.
I am involved in training delivered by the Institut du Management [Management Institute] in the area of coordinating health and medical-social organisations (Quality Management, Risk Management, Management using Dashboards).