Françoise JABOT
Avenue Leon Bernard Département SHS - 35044 - Rennes
E-mail: francoise.jabot@ehesp.fr (work) / francoise.jabot@ehesp.fr (personal) / francoise.jabot@ehesp.fr
Discipline(s): Public Health
Current position: Honorary professor at the EHESP [French school of public health]
Diploma(s): PhD, MD, MSC (Anthropology)
Affiliation(s): Department of Human and Social Sciences, UMR 6051 ARENES
After studying medicine at the University of Bordeaux followed by several years of clinical medical practice, I focussed on public health. I spent ten years in Africa (Sénégal and the Central African Republic), working first for an NGO (Médecins du monde, AICF) and then for the Ministry of Cooperation. Upon my return to France, I completed public health inspector training at the ENSP [National School of Public Health] (1996-1997) before being posted in the Nord Pas de Calais Region. In 2002, I was recruited by the ENSP (which later became the EHESP [French School of Public Health]) as a research professor in health policies and assessment.
I graduated in Public Health (PhD, Diploma in Health and Development, Epidemiology) and social sciences (Master's in Ethnology , Diploma of Advanced Studies in Anthropology).
- Deployment of Health impact assessment strategies in France
- Impact of the urban development projects and policies on Health in France
- Evaluation of the implementation and impact of the Soda tax in France
- France's national anti-poverty strategy
- Civic participation in favour of air quality in Rennes
Analysis of local public action plans in France (https://www.cloterres.fr
Member of the "Health in all policies" group of the Haut Conseil de Santé Publique (High Council for Public Health)
Deputy Editor of the Public Health Review (2012-2022)
Global working group (HIA practices)
Coordination of the Health Evaluation Group (2010-2015) under the Société Française de l’Evaluation [French Assessment Society]
My teaching mainly relates to program and health policy at regional/territorial levels and health impact assessment.
Master in "Pilotage des politiques et actions en santé publique" ["Management of Public Health Policies and Actions"], EHESP [French School of Public Health]/IEP de Rennes 1 [Rennes 1 Institute of Political Studies]
Master in "Promotion de la santé et Prévention" [Health Promotion and Prevention], EHESP/University of Rennes 1, University of Rennes 2
Master in "Ingénierie et management des risques en santé, environnement, travail" ["Engineering and Management of Environmental and Occupational Health Risks"], EHESP [French School of Public Health]
Master in "Situation de handicap et participation sociale", EHESP, Universités de Rennes 1& 2
Diploma in Public Health, EHESP [French School of Public Health]