15 avenue du professeur Léon Bernard Bâtiment Germaine Tillion - Bureau 223 - 35043 - Rennes Cedex
Tel: +33 (0) 2 99 02 29 07 (work)
E-mail: fanny.jaffres@ehesp.fr (work)
Discipline(s): Sociology and policy analysis
Current position: Assistant researcher and PhD in sociology
Affiliation(s): Collectif de recherche sur le handicap, l’autonomie, société inclusive (CoRHASI), Department of Human and Social Sciences, UMR 6051 ARENES
2017 - 2021 : PhD in sociology at the University of Paris 8. Thesis conducted under the supervision of Nicolas Duvoux. Publicly defended on October 22, 2021. Title : " Protected work in the era of inclusion - Comparative analysis of public action for the employment and work of disabled people in France and Sweden ". Jury composed of :
- Pierre-Yves Baudot (president), Professor of Sociology, University of Paris-Dauphine - IRISSO
- Didier Demazière (rapporteur), Director of Research at the CNRS, Sciences Po Paris - CSO
- Nicolas Duvoux (director), Professor of Sociology, University of Paris 8 - CRESPPA-LabToP
- Emmanuelle Fillion (reviewer), Research professor in sociology, EHESP - Arènes
- Patrick Hassenteufel (rapporteur), Professor of political science, University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-Paris-Saclay - Printemps
- Nathalie Morel (examiner), Assistant professor in political science, Sciences Po Paris - LIEPPThis research investigates sheltered workshops and the way they contribute to the objective of inclusion of persons with disabilities onto the open labour market in France and in Sweden. Based on different research methods (interviews, observations, collection and analysis of official documentation), our work proposes a transversal analysis of the interdependence of the different levels of policies. By adopting a comparatist approach with Sweden, presented as a model in terms of inclusion, we shed light on the French case by contrast. In a context of increasing labour market demands, our research sheds light on the way specialized devices supporting the inclusion contribute to disabled people’s job placement onto the open labour and/or to an alternative professional activity. Analysing the concrete ways to implement the inclusive model of policies toward disabled persons furthest from the labour market, we nuance the opposition between the objective of inclusion onto the open labour market and specialized institutions. We show that these policy models are cumulative rather than substituting each other. In both France and Sweden, a large sheltered employment sector is maintained. In Sweden, the appropriation of the inclusion objective by all those involved in professional integration has led to a wide dissemination of supported employment methods so that even the beneficiaries of specific schemes work in an ordinary environment. In France, the inclusion objective has remained bounded to the disability sector. New dedicated devices were thus created, indirectly leading to a strengthening of the specializations of the different actors within the disability sector.
Keywords: sheltered workshop; inclusion; disability; work; employment; multiscale analysis; international comparison; France; Sweden.
2009-2014 diploma from Sciences Po Rennes [Rennes Institute of Political Studies].
Title of the dissertation : "Les apports du discours au leadership de la Commission Européenne en matière de
social " ["The contribution of speech in the leadership of the European Commission on Social Matters"], Sciences Po
Rennes [Rennes Institute of Political Studies].2013-2014 : Master's 2 in "Situation de handicap et participation sociale" ["Disability Situation and Social Participation"] at the EHESP [French School of Public Health]
Title of the dissertation : "La prise en compte de la parole de l’usager dans l’évaluation des établissements et
services sociaux et médico-sociaux" ["Taking into account the user's voice in the assessment of social and medicalsocial
institutions and services"], EHESP [French School of Public Health].
Since 2014, I participate in the research program on the employment of people with disabilities that links EHESP, FIPHFP and GEPSo. I conducted a study on the practices of public employers in meeting their obligation to employ people with disabilities. I did a PhD research in sociology on sheltered employment in France and Sweden, which studied the way the objective of including people with disabilities in the mainstream transforms this sector of public policies. In connection with the conclusions of my PhD research, I am now interested in the articulation between occupational risk prevention policies and employment policies for people with disabilities within public service hospitals. While public authorities and employers are pleased with the increase in the employment rate of disabled workers, it appears that many of them are workers who have been reclassified following the recognition of their inaptitude for their duties as caregivers. It is therefore a question of analyzing the permeability between professional wear and tear and disability in order to question more broadly the possibilities of adapting work to the needs and capacities of agents.
Publications :
Jaffrès, F. (2021), « Articulation entre politique inclusive et travail protégé des personnes handicapées : Le cas suédois », Formation emploi, n° 154, vol. 2, p. 177 195.
Jaffrès, F., & Guével, M.-R. (2020). Loi de 2005 et obligation d’emploi des personnes handicapées : Comment les employeurs publics s’en sont saisis ? In Au carrefour de l’altérité. Presses Universitaires de Namur.
Jaffrès, F. (2019). Face à l’évolution des publics et pour répondre à l’objectif de déségrégation : Les pratiques des ESAT de transition. Pratiques en santé mentale, 65e année(3), p. 14‑19.
Jaffrès, F. (2019). Handicap et travail, A. Revillard, Presses de la Fondation nationale des Sciences politiques, Paris (2019), 120 pp. Alter. (compte-rendu de lecture)
Jaffrès, F. & Guével, M.R., « L’emploi des personnes handicapées dans la fonction publique : entre quota et non-discrimination, quelles pratiques des employeurs ? », Travail & Emploi, 2017/4 (n° 152), p. 33-57.
I teach sociology of public action, sociology of health and disability, introduction to sociology and social science methods. to students from bachelor to master-degree levels.