EHESP, av. Professeur Léon Bernard - 35043 - Rennes
Tel: +33 (0) 2 99 02 28 38 (work) / +33 (0) 6 80 24 37 29
E-mail: claude.martin@ehesp.fr (work) / claude.martin@cnrs.fr
Current position: Research Professor at the CNRS
Diploma(s): PhD UNiversity of Paris-Saint Denis; French Habilitation, University Sorbonne Paris Descartes
Affiliation(s): Childhood, well-being and parenting Chair, Collectif de recherche sur le handicap, l’autonomie, société inclusive (CoRHASI), Department of Human and Social Sciences, UMR 6051 ARENES
1979 Master in psychology, university of Caen,
1980 Doctor’s degree scholarship grant Canadian government at Laval university of Québec
1992 PhD sociology university of Paris 8,
2002 French Habilitation (Habilitation à diriger des recherches - HdR) university of Paris Descartes,
Current position and employment
Research Professor (Directeur de recherche de 1ère classe) CNRS
Chair on ‘social care’ at the EHESP School of Public health
Director of the Research centre on political action in Europe, UMR 6051 (University of Rennes 1, CNRS, Science Po Rennes and EHESP), a team of about 100 members: political scientists, sociologists, and specialists in Information and Communication
Previous positions
1996-2002 Senior Researcher at the CNRS
1999-2000 Visiting Professor at the National Institute of Scientific Research "Culture and Society" in Montreal
1992-1996 Professor at the National School of Public Health
1981-1992 Research assistant at the University of Caen, France
He created and led several research teams, including the Centre for Research on Social Work at the University of Caen (1982-1992), the Laboratory on social and health policies (Lapss) (1992 -2008) and the Interdisciplinary Center for Research on long-term care (SoLo) from 2008 to 2011.
He is a member of different journals' boards in France, Canada, Portugal and UK: "Sociologie", "Social Policy and Administration", "Politiques sociales et familiales", "Analise social". He is director of the franco-canadian journal "Lien social et Politiques".
Claude Martin combines in his research sociology of family and social policy. He is interested in the protective nature of social ties and conducted primary research on the transformation of the family and their modes of regulation by public authorities (civil law and social law). He has conducted several researches on the comparison of family policies in Europe, and more particularly on childcare policy. He was a member of the European observatory on family issues at the European Commission.
Focusing on the issue of joint public and private forms of solidarity, this research led him to develop in the early 1990s a new field of research on Long Term Care policies.
Among his last researches
2006- 2008 Principal Investigator (PI) of a research contract with MIRE-DREES, Ministry of Social Affairs, «Working and caring of a dependent elderly in Europe (France, Germany, Italy).
2007-2010 PI of research contract with the ANR (French national agency) on «Workers Under pressure and social care» (WOUPS). Comparison in 7 countries (France, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands and UK) of the impact of working flexibility on caring arrangements of working parents with young children and adults with dependent elderly relatives.
2009- 2011 PI of a research contract funded by Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l’autonomie: «Disease trajectoiries of Alzheimer patients »;
2008-2012 Main researcher in a research funded by ANR "Aged vulnerables' trajectories" (Parcours de vulnérabilité au grand âge: «l’usager», «le malade», «le majeur protégé»).
2011-2014 PI of a research contract funded by ANR “Open research Area” program on Governing new social risks: the case of recent child policies and parenting support programs in EU”.
Claude Martin contributed to different scientific councils. He is currently member of the following councils: at the National school of public health, at the National Institute of demography, at Science Po Rennes, at the Observatory on childcare Policy of the CNAF.
He was member of different commission of experts concerning social Policy, family Policy and long term care Policy's reforms
He also regularly contributes tot different evaluation committees (for the French national research agency, the IRESP, but also Fonds national Suisse, Conseil national de la recherche en sciences humaines du Canada and AERES
He teaches social Policy in different universities: university of Rennes, Science Po Rennes, Conservatoire des arts et métiers and EHESP.