Arthur DAVID
bureau 209 (LERES)
Tel: +33 (0) 2 99 02 24 98 (work)
E-mail: arthur.david@ehesp.fr (work)
Current position: Research Chair position
Diploma(s): PhD
Affiliation(s): Department of environmental and occupational health, Laboratoire d'étude et de recherche en environnement et santé (LERES), UMR 1085 IRSET
During my PhD, I used an innovative approach based on chemical analysis and in vitro bioassays to improve the detection of biologically active chemicals in aquatic environments. I was awarded a personal grant to collaborate with the Unit of Ecotoxicology of INERIS to learn the bioassay method. I then worked as a postdoctoral researcher for a European FP7 project at HydroSciences Montpellier to study the influence of hydrology on the fate and dynamic of pollutants in temporary Mediterranean rivers. In 2012, I was awarded an Intra-European Marie Curie Fellowship to work with Prof. E.M. Hill at the University of Sussex (UK) where I learnt the latest cutting edge techniques and approaches of untargeted metabolite profiling (metabolomics) using high resolution mass spectrometry. I also initiated a collaboration with Prof C. Tyler, a renown fish physiologist, and his team at the University of Exeter (UK) to understand the effect of exposure to wastewater effluents on freshwater fish. In 2014, I was appointed as a Research Fellow at the School of Life Sciences (University of Sussex) and I further developed my interest in environmental exposures and investigated the exposure of bees to pesticide mixtures in collaboration with Profs E.M. Hill and D. Goulson (University of Sussex).
In 2016, I have been awarded a Research Chair grant to work at the School of Public Health (Rennes, France). I will use my expertise in discovery-based untargeted analytical approach to study the association between chemical mixtures and human health effects.